
Sandiway Golf Club

Membership Process 

Applications for membership shall be made in writing using the Club's official application form and signed by the applicant. If the applicant has family, friends or acquaintances who are already members of the Club, they may support the application as proposer and seconder provided, they have been a member for not less than five years (two members from the same family are not permitted to propose and second an application).  

If not then applicants will need a letter of introduction from their current or previous Club.  This letter should include as much information as possible, including:  length of membership; service to the club (Committees etc.); character reference; reason(s) for wanting to leave.

Due to the difficulty of the course, we advise that all applicants (excluding juniors) have a handicap index of no more than 29.6 (women) and 20.9 (men).  This can be obtained either with a Club or through the England Golf Independent Golfer scheme.

A parent or guardian must countersign applications for juniors under 18 years of age.

If the application is accepted their names will be placed within an accepted application pool, and membership vacancies will be filled from within this pool at the Boards discretion.

Successful applicants will then go through the following process:

  • You will be invited for a meeting with the General Manager in the first instance, if you are still deemed to be a suitable candidate you will then -
  • Complete an 8-hole playing interview,
  • Attend a final interview,
  • Application will then be approved at the next available Board meeting.

When you join the club, you will be given a welcome pack with your Membership card which provides access to the club and enables cashless purchases at the bar.

Mon 17
Tue 18
Wed 19

Course Status

Course Open. Temporary greens in play. Buggies & Trolleys please keep to the rough. Mats are compulsory on all closely mown areas Updated: 16th Feb 2025

T: 01606 883247 | E:
The Clubhouse - Chester Road , Sandiway, NORTHWICH , CW8 2DJ
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